Why Australia is looking at India?

There is new order in post Covid -19 World. A country has huge business partnership with China, but now looking at India.

India has become new manufacturing hug of the world. Well if you are reading since last 25 years this is not new. Rather we are not surprise to hear this. We were all aware about that China has to fall, may be after 'Tiananmen Square', it was almost on edge of cultural revolution. But then fast forward to 2020 and we are today where China is in trouble for two reasons. One they can not sustain the fruits of demographic dividend & two they are not able world don't trust China any more.

Well India is correct geo political stability, its correct time for India to get benefits form its population & world has began to trust India. Well that has all to do with Australia and her business here in India. 

Historically Australia and India are till part of British common wealth, so both countries have shared history. There is huge Indian diaspora available at Australia. Well educated and well understanding of business. Direct link of sea rout form India to Australia. There are many reasons why India now?

Current state: World is looking at India & her capacity to adopt new changing world. We all trust that she will change and change for good. 

There is plethora of product range I am helping my friends based in Australia to get sourced form India. I would like to help you too. 

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